HomeJob Posting Checkout | LinkedIn
LinkedIn Job Posting Checkout Page
Guide our members through their job posting purchase
The LinkedIn consumer job posting checkout flow had not been updated to reflect the latest product offerings that LinkedIn had to offer. I worked with my PM closely to design the the checkout page to reflect changes in our product line as well as the variations that might happen through the process. Because job posting on LInkedIn can be a little confusing, we wanted to create a very clear outline of what they are purchasing, how much is due today, and how much will be due in the future. In additional, we wanted to drive more job posting sales so offering job packs was another way we were trying to drive sales. This redesign was launched in 2014 and is still in place today on the LinkedIn platform.
Various paths a user can take in the checkout flow depending on their various use cases.
Old job posting checkout page
Redesigned job posting checkout page
Repeat buyer flow
Spec documentation